Garden Tour
/Yikes! It's 11:30 pm and I haven't posted yet today… so in desperation, how about a little picture tour of the garden-to-be, à la SouleMama?
(Not sure why the captions are in all caps, but now it is 11:45 and too late to try to figure it out)
The big old garden bed that I have been slowly weeding and turning over.
The half-weeded hoop house - with hardy spinach that spontaneously came back a few weeks ago.
The fort. Every garden needs a fort.
Plum trees. Our hope is to add one or two trees to our "orchard" every year.
In addition to a big old garden bed and hoop house, the previous owners left us three lovely berry patches: raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry. We moved in at the tail end of strawberry season last summer, so I'm very much looking forward to fresh strawberries this year.
Apple tree clutter - Once I finish weeding and turning over soil, I get to go back to pruning. I think I'll start here.
And, last but not least, the barn garden. Any day now this will be a patch of my all time favorites: daffodils. Then it will become the kids' garden space. Katherine wants to grow yellow peppers and pumpkins.